Content for your Telegram channel is created automatically — based on connected sources and configured tasks. All new posts appear in the "Posts" section, where you can review, edit, and manage their statuses.
Every post in the system has one of the following statuses:
This is the initial status for any new post. Drafts are not published until you approve or schedule them. In this status, you can:
The post is automatically added to the publishing queue. If auto-publishing is enabled in the tasks, the post will be sent to the channel during the next task run.
This status is set manually — you select the exact time when the post should go live in the channel. This is useful for announcements or promotional posts.
The post will not be published and is simply stored in the system as processed. This is useful when the source generates irrelevant content — a rejected post will not appear in drafts again, helping you avoid duplicates.
The post has already been sent to your Telegram channel. After publishing, you can either move it to the archive or delete it entirely.
The archive stores previously published or rejected posts that are no longer part of the active workflow but are kept for historical reference. Archived posts are automatically deleted after 6 months.
Draft Creation
A task processes the source and creates a draft based on data from the article, RSS feed, or social media post.
If needed, you can refine the text, add or replace images, adjust links, or modify formatting.
Approval or Rejection
Approved posts are published automatically according to the task schedule. Scheduled posts go live at the exact time you specified.
Managing Published Content
After publication, a post can either be:
Duplicate Prevention
The system tracks processed URLs and won’t create posts with the same link again. However, this only works if the post has entered the system at least once — as a draft, rejected, or published post.
Why Reject Instead of Delete?
If you delete an unsuitable post immediately, the source might create it again during the next scan. If you reject the post, the system remembers its URL and ignores it in future scans.
Image Control
You can manually select which images to attach to a post if the source provides multiple options.
Footer Templates
Each source can have its own custom footer — for example, with a source link, subscription link, and so on. This footer will automatically be added to every new post from that source. Each source can have a unique footer.
✅ Regularly check drafts and quickly approve quality content
✅ Set up templates to minimize manual editing
✅ Use scheduled posts for announcements and promotions
✅ Reject irrelevant content to keep your feed clean
✅ Don’t fear the archive — it’s your publication history that you can always revisit
Telematic.Pro turns routine content management into a smooth process with automatic creation, flexible moderation, and clear publishing control. Your content is always at your fingertips — in a user-friendly interface with an intuitive status system.