Content sources are the foundation for automatically generating posts in your Telegram channel via Telematic.Pro. Sources allow you to collect information from various places: news sites, Telegram channels, RSS feeds, social media pages, and other platforms — and then automatically turn that data into ready-to-publish posts.
By creating sources, you can fully automate the process of filling your channel with content. One channel can receive data from multiple sources at once. This is especially convenient for news aggregators, niche channels, or media networks.
In Telematic.Pro, you can connect:
In the dashboard, select your channel, then open the "Sources" tab. Here you can add new sources and manage existing ones.
Select the source type (RSS, website, social media), enter the feed link or page URL, and proceed to the settings.
When creating a source, you can fine-tune all the parameters for content collection and post creation:
If needed, content from the source can be processed by a neural network. In the prompt, you can set the style, length, language, and other text parameters.
How to Configure CSS Selectors for Parsing Content
For websites, you can configure CSS selectors to help the system identify:
This ensures you only capture the right blocks and exclude unnecessary content.
You can limit the number of images attached to each post, for example, no more than 3 photos.
Flexible settings for how content is collected:
Each post can include a standard footer — for example, the source of the news, a link to the original site, or your branded text.
How to Configure CSS Selectors for Parsing Content
If there are blocks on the page that should be ignored (like comments, ads, or widgets), you can add CSS selectors to exclude them.
Content can automatically be translated into any desired language, regardless of the original language. For example, Russian news can be published in English, or vice versa.
In the same section, you can test the source — the system will show which posts will be collected, which blocks were detected, and any errors that occurred. From the test results, you can immediately create draft posts for your channel.
Once the source is connected, you can choose how it operates:
Content sources in Telematic.Pro are a powerful tool for automatically filling your channel with content from websites, social networks, and other platforms. You decide which sources to connect, how to process the content, and when to publish it.
Connect your sources, test the settings, and start automating your Telegram channel content today!