Owners of news websites, blogs, and media platforms are increasingly considering creating their own Telegram channels. And it’s no surprise: Telegram users actively consume information, and channels can be monetized. But there’s a challenge — manually copying news from your website to Telegram every day is inconvenient and time-consuming. The solution? Full automation of content posting directly from your website to your channel using Telematic.Pro.
Instead of copying text, uploading images, and formatting posts manually, the system can handle everything for you automatically. Your content gets published in the channel as soon as the news appears on your website.
Automatic posting allows you to instantly notify subscribers about new articles. The faster your content hits the channel, the higher your chances of beating competitors.
Manual copying often leads to typos or missed links. An automated system follows a predefined template, reducing the risk of errors.
In Telematic.Pro, you can add your website as a content source by providing an RSS feed link or configuring page parsing. The system will automatically monitor and detect new publications.
You can fully customize the format of your posts:
You can choose to automatically publish new content immediately after it appears on your site — or schedule posts at specific times. Posts can be published directly without moderation or saved as drafts for manual review.
If you have multiple websites or sources of content, you can merge them into a single posting stream for your channel — your website’s news + partner site updates + AI-generated content.
✅ Easy to set up
✅ Flexible post templates — create visually appealing cards or longreads
✅ Unlimited number of channels — perfect for media networks
✅ Works with any type of website — news, blogs, catalogs, and more
✅ No subscriptions — you only pay for the actual actions you use
📌 News website owners
📌 Corporate blog managers
📌 Owners of niche Telegram channels (finance, sports, tech, etc.)
📌 SMM agencies and content managers handling multiple channels at once
Sign in and get 1000 tokens as a welcome bonus, so you can connect your website and test automation with zero risk.
Telegram channels can’t survive without regular fresh content — let Telematic.Pro handle the hard work for you!